Friday, September 11, 2009


So today is my birthday. Its not a great day to have a birthday...eight years ago it was a terrible day to be turning 14. It was a very difficult day...we lost a good family friend that day. As a result, I have never really liked my birthday. However, today happens to be a great day. A new day, a new year. No longer am I 21, I feel like I got turned down for things for being too the drinking age where most people lose themselves. However I found myself this past year. 22 is going to be a great year, I can feel it already!

So this morning I had the most wonderful surprise. Little man came into my room about 7:30 (which as far as I am concerned is sleeping in!) and he threw a card at me, which according to Dr. D, had to be purple, cuz thats my favorite color. So then he started opening my present (I love it how I don't have to do any of my own unwrapping!) Inside was the most beautiful bracelet I have EVER seen in my whole life! It was from Peir 1, and its an eclectic combination of all sorts of funky turquoise beads and such. I could not have picked out a better one for myself. It absolutely is the best present I could have ever asked for. I also got a matching ring...though it is my favorite color Fuscia in a little flower shape...I will try to post pictures of it. 

Anyways, great start to a great year. I have the best job, lots of wonderful opportunities ahead of me, and the best little guy a nanny could ask for. 

Peace and namaste.
Remembering those that lost their lives eight years ago


PS Baby countdown: 11 days!!!!!!


  1. I love your blog Fran! You're so cute! Happy birthday girl. What a sweet story to share. I can't wait to hear more about your adventures in nannyland. My sis did the same thing a few years ago. Her story was quite different though...glad you have an awesome family to share this adventure with!

  2. I am so glad that you had a good birthday. I think of you every year, all day. What a sweet little boy you have with you. Love you!
